Poster: Fell at 6/24/2005 7:19:34 AM PDT Subject: 1.6 - please lower cap on strat/scholo to 5 |
With the upcoming change to these two areas (made more 5-man friendly), I would ask that the cap be set at 5-person groups.
Unless you intend to scale the bad guys differently for raid versus 5-man, or decrease the value of the raid loot, please just remove the ability to raid them.
PS: No, I haven't farmed each piece of equipment I need from these places. In fact, the pieces I do wear which I have obtained there (beyond the plans for Heartseeker) were gotten while 5-manning.
Edit: To those new to the thread and are wondering wth changes I am speaking of are, the following is quoted from Tigole.
Q u o t e: In the 1.6.0 Patch (Blackwing Lair patch) there will be some pretty significant changes made to the spawn density of Scholomance. It should be much quicker to clear than it currently is. Also, we added a Graveyard to Caer Darrow so if you die, you're much closer to your corpse.
We also made some more adjustments to Stratholme that will go live in the 1.6.0 patch. We made some of the pulls in the Scarlet side easier to handle with 5 man groups. We also put the Ghouls in the guantlet on the normal respawn time (2 hour) and reduced the overall number of Gargoyles. We think we fixed the In Combat bug with the Ziggurauts as well.
Lastly, if you fail to Rivendare or Ramstein, you'll be able to try again -- the back gate and doors to the Slaughterhouse will open.
Our goal is to have these dungeons playing as fun as possible for 5 man groups.
[ post edited by Fell ]
Happily 40/11/0
| | | | Poster: Caydiem at 6/24/2005 1:34:41 PM PDT Subject: Re: 1.6 - please lower cap on strat/scholo to |
I seem to recall this discussion came up among the developers around the time Dire Maul was set to be released and the caps were first instituted. There were many people weighing the pros and cons of limiting Stratholme and Scholomance to the number of players for which they were designed (five).
The outcome was the ten-man raid situation you see today.
Having the ten-man option available helps include more guildmates if they want to go on a dungeon run. It allows for less set pieces to rot/be disenchanted. It gives newly-60 players a chance to learn how raids work and where their role lies without harsh and frustrating consequences.
Let's look at Dire Maul. DM is a five-man only dungeon, and if you're not on the ball, the potential wipes can be pretty devastating. The learning curve heads sharply upwards after east wing, and a fresh few 60s who are not entirely certain of strategies can have a difficult and aggravating time in the Highborne wing. DM (north and west wing, anyway) has always been for the more skilled level 60s who know their class and can act quickly in a variety of different situations.
I understand where you're coming from on Stratholme and Scholomance, but as far as I'm aware, there are no plans to institute five-man caps on those dungeons.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager
| | | Poster: Caydiem at 6/24/2005 1:41:41 PM PDT Subject: Re: 1.6 - please lower cap on strat/scholo to |
Q u o t e: So, what about letting a subset of the quests from these places -- the ones that are critical to some aspects of development for some characters (eg. alchemists, paladins) -- be doable in 10-man groups? Is this something folks have been thinking about, or would be willing to consider?
This is not something the developers plan to change anytime soon. Quests are meant to be completed at a certain challenge level, just as dungeons are. You can't raid Scholomance with 40 people, and you can't run a Scholomance quest in a raid. This is a conscious design decision and, to my knowledge, is not slated to be changed.
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager
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