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Poster: Gamemaster at 3/30/2006 6:37:10 AM PST
Subject: Known issues of 1.10
   Hello everyone,

For your information we have compiled a list of the issues that we are currently receiving the most petitions about since patch 1.10.

Known issues that we hope to have resolved shortly

The quest ‘Defenders of Darrowshire' is currently not possible to complete.

Chromaggus time lapse debuff is currently lowering player's health more than intended.

The shooting animation is not always playing correctly.

Nature's Grace does not proc correctly after spell crits.

The Sand Vortexes in the Ossirian the Unscarred -- encounter are currently invisible.

Other issues that we are receiving a lot of tickets about

It is intended that you do not receive experience to money conversion from completing repeatable quests, or quests that require you to hand in a certain amount of money (such as the new armor quests).

A lot of players are experiencing loot problems due to the master looter having an out of date UI. We strongly recommend that you disable all old UIs if you are going to be the master looter for a raid.

Players report issues with chat or receiving LUA errors on their screen. This also is usually caused by an out of date user interface.

[ post edited by Gamemaster ]

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