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Poster: Ikars at 8/9/2006 7:59:57 PM PDT
Subject: Whine, buff, nerf.
   I'm whining, see? I'm whining. That's not good. Not that either. I want to be overpowered now. It's my turn. That's balance. Yeah. Buff my class.
Nerf that one.

I'm using a troll to writh this post. See? A troll. I'm a coward, I don't stand up for what I think.

I'm saying this becouse I feel offended. I mean, I can't kill that guy. I feel offended. By a game. Right? I complain all day. I hate this game. Nothing is right. My class is so bad, I couldn't even kill a lvl 50. Right? Am I right? I don't care what you say. I am right. Yeah, I see that you're the same class as me. Even the same faction. You're just lucky.

Even though I see people everywhere, using my class, doing what I'd like to do with it. But my particular character is underpowered, right? I got no thoughts in improving myself, there must be something wrong with the game. Yeah. Let's blame the game. And Blizzard. It's Blizzard's fault. Right? I mean, a game they made is not how I like it to be. I mean, how cruel is that? They are forcing me to play a game that I don't like. Right? Forcing me, aren't they?

What? Quit the game? What are you talking about? Yeah, I said I hate this game. But quit it? Huh? Do you know how much time I spent on my character? I mean, I did hate it all the time, becouse it sucks. But I mean, why would I want to quit? After month's of grinding? When I don't think it's fun? Isn't that a waste? Stop doing something just becouse you don't like it? Huh? That's what you mean? Didn't think so. Oh, you're serious? Well, stop doing something I don't like? Hmmm. Maybe. On the other hand...NO!

I just need to whine, just a little bit more. I'll make more trolls. Yeah, more trolls. I'll spamm the forums with post about my class and that it sucks.

And the itemization! YES! Let's not forget about itemization! I mean, why do all the other 8 classe's get 40 items in total from BWL, except the sets, when I just get 5? Huh? Is that fair? I mean, 40 to 5? You know, I didn't get very good grade's in school.

But then again, playing a game where everything is wrong, is what it's all about, right? Even if I don't like it? Or at least pretend I don't?
And you know what the worst part is? People will think that I am 12 years old now. When people like me, in fact, often are alot older. I mean, ever seen a immature 23 year's old?

Well. Let's add some more. Whine, whine whine. And you know what? Buff buff, nerf, buff. Buff, nerf nerf, buff.

/Normal mode.

I hope you get my point here.
Poster: Aeus at 8/10/2006 7:22:16 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Whine, buff, nerf.
   'Whine buff nerf' = the new 'rock paper scissors' ?
<Friend of Toque the Gnome>
Poster: Aeus at 8/10/2006 7:24:59 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Whine, buff, nerf.

Q u o t e:
Which beat which?

Depends on your outlook:
my class: buffs good, nerfs bad = whine
other class: buffs bad, nerfs good = whine
<Friend of Toque the Gnome>

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