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Poster: Loob at 8/4/2006 2:20:02 PM PDT
Subject: Rise of the Bots
   This is just a short post to get a gauge of all the encounters that players are having with farm bots. I've been playing the game since general release and I have never ever encountered so many farm bots in the game.

It literally is unbelievable how many there are all throughout my server. I want to know several things.

Firstly, is everyone else noticing this, or is it just me?

Secondly, what is the best way to deal with these characters? Is reporting them the best method, or should I record what they are doing and send it to someone? Or should I just keep slaughtering them (a method which has limited success, as they just keep rezzing right beside me after 2 mins)?

And finally, I have been told by GMs that they will 'investigate' these players that I report. In what form does this investigation take? Do they watch them? Whisper them? What happens? Can they prove they are using scripted farming software? Can they scan their wow software for addons of this nature? I would love to know.

Thanks for listening.
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 2:32:14 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots
   I can assure you we take the issue of bots very seriously. However, while we work to address this in the most efficient manner possible we do appreciate the topic being kept to limited threads. The more the "bots work" word spreads the more tempted otherwise legitimate players may be to try these out for themselves, securing them an account ban some time down the road.

Edit: only one "a", but two "e"s in "legitimate"

[ post edited by Thundgot ]

Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 2:38:10 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
After yet another lagspike, I can only say...

Ah, the joys of Freudian Slips.

Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 2:44:37 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
Suggestion : is it worth setting up a sticky thread for reporting suspected bots in ?

I don't think that's a good idea, as we want to avoid all kinds of naming and shaming on the forums. Please report it to the gamemasters.
Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 2:46:53 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
I'm sorry Thundgot but anyone trying third-party software against Blizzard rules deserves a ban.

Yes, but that doesn't mean we should tempt them (deliberately or not) into doing so.
Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 2:52:05 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
Is it possible to give the community an idea of what steps are taken when bots are reported, or would doing this compromise the effectiveness of your methods?

I very much doubt we'll want to give insight to that process. Maybe there some things we can share over time. We'll see.
Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/4/2006 3:08:08 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots
   I think the general agreement is that those using bots should be banned and those who don't of course shouldn't (unless they break some other rules). The challenge lies in the amount of hard evidence and the time it takes to investigate. Our efforts are in both areas.

Edit: argh! Typos everywhere! :p

[ post edited by Thundgot ]

Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/5/2006 11:36:05 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
Well, its still a good ammount of money down their pockets, why should they stop that ? :)

Besides Blizzard being gamers ouselves and hating exploits and hacks with a passion?

Because it greatly affects realm economies and over time drive more people (read: accounts) away than the amount of cheater accounts we ban. That goes for all kinds of exploiting.

Q u o t e:
GM's don't care.

Everybody in Blizzard cares about this issue. It's not as simple as report --> ban. I'm afraid I can't go into details on it at this time.

Q u o t e:
banning gajillions of accounts at once every six months is totally retarded and inefficient.

That's not what we do either. Note that the news items about account closures generally state a period of time during which the bans happened.

Q u o t e:
you are making it sound like (a part of) these bots are played, or will be played, by regular players. <...> Do you honestly believe these are the players running the bots? That sounds extremely naieve.

I know for a fact that some of the bot users are "regular players". I'm sure they're a small minority though. Claiming nobody but "professional farmers" use bots is... well... :)

Q u o t e:
I once stumbled on a site that was distributing bots for money, how do I report such a site?

Q u o t e:
That Project Golddigger sounds like an option...

Anything to help fight the bots sounds great in my ears, as long as it stays within the game rules and forum guidelines.

[ post edited by Thundgot ]

Community Manager
Poster: Thundgot at 8/5/2006 11:56:39 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
Thundgot with the amount of bots around can you imagine that most dont realy trust it when you say you take action?

Yes, I understand that very well. That doesn't mean I should refrain from following this topic and sharing what I can share about it.
Poster: Thundgot at 8/7/2006 6:39:26 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots

Q u o t e:
This is just a small note as I promised Bunnie to inform you that she has now been banned and therefore no longer replying in this topic...

I checked this and haven't received any valid reports on Bunnie being suspended. Any forum suspension on that account has been removed.

Edit: "on"

[ post edited by Thundgot ]

Community Manager - Ya Rly
Poster: Thundgot at 8/7/2006 6:39:26 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Rise of the Bots *edited post*

Q u o t e:
This is just a small note as I promised Bunnie to inform you that she has now been banned and therefore no longer replying in this topic...

I checked this and haven't received any valid reports on Bunnie being suspended. Any forum suspension on that account has been removed.

Edit: "on"

[ post edited by Thundgot ]

Community Manager - Ya Rly

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