Poster: Tedler at 8/4/2006 8:25:01 AM PDT Subject: Tier .5 Nexus? |
I did the quests to get the tier .5 belt, gloves and bracers.
The bracers = epic level 60 item. Today in ZG i got the gloves off arlokk which are better for fury, so i decided to D/E the heroism ones.
When i disenchanted them, i got 4 SMALL BRILLIANT SHARDS!
Now i spent hours and hours on these quests, i spent over 100 G to get those gloves, and when i get something better, i get rewarded with 4 small brilliant shards from a disenchant.. i dont think this is right, please fix.
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Poster: Kaone at 8/4/2006 9:24:56 AM PDT Subject: Re: Tier .5 Nexus? |
Hi Tedler,
The Gauntlets of Heroism and other Tier 0.5 gloves indeed do not give a nexus crystal when disenchanted. This is the intended result for these particular upgraded rewards and is not considered to be "broken". The reason for this is related to the "level" of these items. In the case of these gloves they are below the level cutoff for what would create a nexus crystal.
Half King of Beasts + half Monarch of the Skies = ?
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Poster: Kaone at 8/4/2006 11:31:14 AM PDT Subject: Re: Tier .5 Nexus? |
Q u o t e: How is that the case when the gloves are lv 54 before the turnin, and everything 51+ epic is supposed to disenchant into a nexus?
The determined level of an item can be rather complex. The resulting level of the epic version of this quest item isn't necessarily dependant on what the equip requirements of the original superior item you turned in was.
Half King of Beasts + half Monarch of the Skies = ?
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