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Poster: Msunpleasant at 8/4/2006 6:04:10 AM PDT
Subject: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxramas
   Has anyone else had this problem:

We we're clearing death Knight wing and one of the deathknights dropped a styngian buckler for us. We had it on ML so when I stopped to figure out who it went too we had already pulled the next group. Well the next DeathKnight turned the corpse we had loot on into some of those stupid skeletons and poof there goes our buckler. Now i'm not going to loose too much sleep over a flag running shield, but honestly I'd really like to know if Blizzard thinks this is a problem and are going to fix it. When we paged a GM we got the traditional "very sorry but we cant do anything." Now if we forgot to loot something then fine we're stupid for doing that and deserve it, but the corpse had been on the ground for probably less then 45 seconds and all of a sudden it's gone. I'd really like blizzard to explain how this is fair, because the next time something really usefull might be on that corpse.
Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 12:14:30 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
Has anyone else had this problem:

We we're clearing death Knight wing and one of the deathknights dropped a styngian buckler for us. We had it on ML so when I stopped to figure out who it went too we had already pulled the next group. Well the next DeathKnight turned the corpse we had loot on into some of those stupid skeletons and poof there goes our buckler. Now i'm not going to loose too much sleep over a flag running shield, but honestly I'd really like to know if Blizzard thinks this is a problem and are going to fix it. When we paged a GM we got the traditional "very sorry but we cant do anything." Now if we forgot to loot something then fine we're stupid for doing that and deserve it, but the corpse had been on the ground for probably less then 45 seconds and all of a sudden it's gone. I'd really like blizzard to explain how this is fair, because the next time something really usefull might be on that corpse.

Hi, Ms. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience your raid group encountered while in Naxxramas. With that said, I'd like to further assist with this by conducting an investigation on the looting issue you experienced when this creature was resurrected.

Firstly, I can see that you had submitted a petition regarding this issue. Were you the Master Looter that night?
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 1:47:19 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
Dueling threads on the same night. I still want my gimmic shield.

We are currently researching this incident and will provide you with an update as soon as possible. In the mean time, your patience is much appreciated. ; )
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 2:42:07 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
... You locked my thread... YOU HEARTLESS !@$!#%@$. Just putting my foot in this thread.

Please say you're being humorous. = (

Per your statements, I must now comb my hair directly across and covering my left eye.

The horror. The horror.
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 4:36:31 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
Yeah I was being humerous. Hey if you see Tseric in the office tell him zero says hi and to keep up the good work pruning the Gen forums.

<3 CS + Gen forum mods they are the funniest.

"Cheers!" - from Tseric

We'll be sure to make you the new water cooler topic of conversation.
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
Poster: Batta at 8/7/2006 2:27:46 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
My guild had the same problem occur during a naxx run where a dagger dropped off a trash mob however when a ticket was responded to we were told that GM were unable to comfirm non boss loot and therefore the matter was closed, if something comes of this investigation I'd like our looked at again as there must have been some miscommunication.

Hey Jaced; who was the Master Looter and/or Raid Leader when your particular looting issue occurred?

Zero, we are still inquiring about this issue with our specialists and will get back to you as soon as possible with additional information as to how we will handle the looting situation. We greatly appreciate your patience thus far. = )
I'll laugh until my head comes off
Poster: Batta at 8/7/2006 2:49:55 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
it was right at 2 weeks ago, the raid leader/master looter was a night elf hunter named lochoram, and the item in question was a the epic dagger who's name eludes me.

Edit: If you would please just let me know if you find it and if its being worked on in this thread that would be great.

I have forwarded the information onto the appropriate parties for further investigation. Please keep an eye on this thread for any additional updates from us. When we do find out more information, the Master Looter will likely be contacted again. Thanks Jaced. ; )
I'll laugh until my head comes off
Poster: Batta at 8/8/2006 6:23:05 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr
   I have not yet received an update about either case. Rest assured I have not forgotten about either claim and will work to supply you with updates as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience, guys. ; )
This just feels like spinning plates...
Poster: Batta at 8/9/2006 10:35:03 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Mysteriously disapearing corpses in Naxxr

Q u o t e:
Thanks for all your help Batta, we just received a responce from the in game GMs. :)

Edit - Batta for CS CM of the Month

You're very welcome, Zero. = )

Jaced, your Master Looter should have been contacted about this issue as well.

We do apologize again for the inconvenience this looting issue caused both of your raid groups.
My lamb and martyr, you look so precious.

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