Poster: Lolwarrior at 8/3/2006 7:41:47 AM PDT Subject: A quick question.
My friend got a 60 from his cousin, my friend is quitting and he wants to give the account to me. NO I AM NOT BUYING IT! I would keep paying for WoW. IS this against the rules?
Poster: Berghe at 8/3/2006 7:48:16 AM PDT Subject: Re: A quick question.
Allow me to quote our Terms of Use:
Q u o t e: E. Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts, and any authorized transfer of the World of Warcraft software (as set forth on the website) will result in the permanent deletion of the Account attached to that software. You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer is a violation of this Agreement and may result in suspension or termination of the Account.