Poster: Sujiro at 7/29/2006 1:04:03 PM PDT Subject: Is CC info stored anywhere on accounts? |
My account was taken from me for a few days by someone who knew all my info, including reg key. I did eventually get the account back myself after talking to the individual. (someone I know in rl)
But my question is, is there any way he could have gotten my CC info during the few days he had my account, either by checking somewhere on the site, or calling Blizzard Account and Billing and posing as me? Basically what I'm asking is, is Credit Card info stored anywhere on accounts that he could have found my number out if he had all my info, including reg key.
| | | | Poster: Kaone at 7/29/2006 2:11:16 PM PDT Subject: Re: Is CC info stored anywhere on accounts? |
Q u o t e: But my question is, is there any way he could have gotten my CC info during the few days he had my account, either by checking somewhere on the site, or calling Blizzard Account and Billing and posing as me? Basically what I'm asking is, is Credit Card info stored anywhere on accounts that he could have found my number out if he had all my info, including reg key.
No. He should not be able to obtain your credit card info in any direct way through this account compromise. However if your account was compromised via a Trojan virus or keylogger on your own computer it is entirely possible that anything on your computer or that had been entered through your computer is no longer private or safe. I would recommend checking the security of your computer as well as scanning it for viruses. There are many good sites on the web with advice on how to go about doing this. Good luck.
Half King of Beasts + half Monarch of the Skies = ?
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