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Poster: Mazilron at 7/26/2006 10:17:15 AM PDT
Subject: Account Hacked, I've been waiting patiently..
   Well my Account was hacked about 8 weeks ago, My 60 Rogue was deleted, and all of my gold from my alts was stolen. It seems while browsing the forums that most people's cases get solved in about 4 weeks.

Is there anything I can do to see if my Restoration is still processing? If so, what type of information would I need to give you?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: This is not the account that had the Characters deleted.

[ post edited by Mazilron ]
Poster: Kaone at 7/26/2006 10:55:54 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Account Hacked, I've been waiting patiently..

Q u o t e:

Is there anything I can do to see if my Restoration is still processing? If so, what type of information would I need to give you?

EDIT: This is not the account that had the Characters deleted.

What was the name and realm of your character involved Mazilron?
Half King of Beasts + half Monarch of the Skies = ?
Poster: Kaone at 7/26/2006 11:34:16 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Account Hacked, I've been waiting patient
   Hi again Mazilron,

I inquired into this matter for you. Your reported account compromise is indeed pending an investigation at this time. Thank you for your continued patience and I hope your case is reached and resolved soon. Good luck.
Half King of Beasts + half Monarch of the Skies = ?

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