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Poster: Tirius at 7/23/2006 8:29:33 AM PDT
Subject: The Church of Lord Sargeras's Bingo Hall
   Hail and well met, agent of customer support.

Lord Sargeras would smile down on you and possibly throw fireballs of joy at your face if you were to join me in a game of Lord Sargeras's Big Win Fun-Time Bingo. Many are playing and the gold is flowing in like lava flows over a forgotten world set ablaze by our Lord.

Be warned, any false accusations of gambling, or action taken against my account will be reported to the Burning Legion.

[ post edited by Tirius ]
Poster: Caerrus at 7/23/2006 8:31:06 AM PDT
Subject: Re: The Church of Lord Sargeras's Bingo Hall
Coreiel broke 25% of my heart. </3

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