Poster: Rorann at 7/23/2006 5:59:15 AM PDT Subject: Updating information on account. |
I may know the answer to this already but I want to verify it anyway. I have a close friend that has quit WOW with no intention of coming back. He offered to let me take over his account with a few characters on it. I was just wondering if there would be anyway I could change the account information since I am the one that has taken over payment of the account?
I am posting from my own account at this time.
Also would this effect any character transfers I have initiated with the other account?
| | | | Poster: Caerrus at 7/23/2006 7:43:20 AM PDT Subject: Re: Updating information on account. |
No, Rorann; if you are not the registered user of the account, then there is no way for you to change the account information. The transfer of accounts is not permitted as per our Terms of Use; and in that document it also clearly states that you may not disclose your password to anyone or allow your password to be used by anyone other than yourself (and your one minor child). If your friend has shared his password with you, he has violated the Terms of Use. To quote: Q u o t e: D. During the registration process, you will be required to select a user name and a password that are specific to the Account (collectively referred to hereunder as "Password"). Your Password is to be kept confidential at all times and you are solely responsible for the security of your Password. You may not disclose your Password to anyone, or allow your Password to be used by anyone other than yourself and/or your one (1) minor child. Blizzard Entertainment is not responsible for any harm that may result to the Account (including without limitation the deletion or modification of characters in the Account) as a result of a lost or shared password. The user name you choose shall be subject to the naming guidelines contained in this Terms of Use Agreement.
E. Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts, and any authorized transfer of the World of Warcraft software (as set forth on the website) will result in the permanent deletion of the Account attached to that software. You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer is a violation of this Agreement and may result in suspension or termination of the Account.
Also, by logging onto your friend's account, you are effectively compromising the security of the account. As stated in our Unauthorized Account Access Policy, any player found to be involved in compromising the security of another account may have any and all related accounts closed. To quote again: Q u o t e: Repercussions for Compromising an Account
This category applies to players who have:
- Accessed an account reported as compromised and are not the registered user of said account.
- Knowingly or unknowingly received items/gold from a compromised account.
If a player is found to have participated in one of these acts, he/she may:
- Have the transferred items/gold removed from the account.
- Receive an account penalty up to and including account closure if the registered user of the account perpetrated the compromise.
I hope that this is very clear, Rorann. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
Unauthorized Account Access Policy:
Terms of Use:
Coreiel broke 25% of my heart. </3
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