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Poster: Fortune at 7/22/2006 1:08:47 AM PDT
Subject: Item/Character Restoration Issue
   I've been trying to have my character Fayte of Kilrogg restored to 3/10/06 - 3/15/06 for four months now and I've had no luck, I was approved to have my items restored Twice once by email and once in-game but neither GM/ItemSpecialist replied back after I sent them the list of items. The first few months I sent in petitions asking for the character or items to be restored and the GMs told me I've used up my limit which doesn't make sense because I've only had 3 items restored which were Ward of Elements(vendored didn't know it would be useful at the time), Carrot on a Stick(vendored), and Zulian Defender(masterlooter issue). I also abandoned gnomish engineering and retrained engineering only to find I couldn't take up gnomish engineering again, it was fixed by a GM but apparently according to my email he counted it as a restoration which is stupid and obviously a bug because it was fixed in a patch.

Anyways I sent in petitions about once a week. Then today I was told by a GM to stop sending in petitions or they the GMs would take action against my account, I was also told that the GMs that did approve to have my items/character restored were "Confused" when even in my screenshots they were obviously not. One GM basically told me to give up and grind/raid to get the gear back and that the only help he could offer would be calling Blizzard's Billing Office through phone. I've been requesting this for months who can I talk to if the GMs won't help? I'm asking for help and I'm being ignored here's the GM that said that other GMs were confused about restoring my character and refused to help me solve this.

And here's just one of the conversations of a GM approving it <Approved?
Click on the image if you can't read it.

All I want to do is play my character the way it was. I'm posting here because atleast here I might not get automated replies. I don't care what it takes to get this character restored I'll wait more months if I have to.
Poster: Kaone at 7/22/2006 3:29:11 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Item/Character Restoration Issue
   Hi Fortune,

I am sorry to hear about your item problems. While I do not know the details behind your particular situation I can advise that you would certainly be best off emailing if you feel you have not been granted sufficient restorations, or that a specific Game Master has handled your request incorrectly.

Keep in mind that each account is allocated a limited number of reimbursements and once they are exceeded future restoration requests may be denied. Furthermore not all types of restorations are possible. This is especially true for losses that may have occurred a long time ago and may not longer be able to be verified in our records.

I wish you the best in your efforts Fortune.
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