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Poster: Todaz at 7/22/2006 12:14:43 AM PDT
Subject: Problem with the Auction House
   Im wondering why the auction house is causing so many problem. I put a item yesterday a purple i got. It charge me 15 g to put it up for 24 hours, I then tryed to put up runecloth bandages it wanted to charge me a 1.6 in gold. Im wondering if blizzard is aware of this. Im kinda mad i put the item up didnt sell and im out 15g .
Poster: Pavonum at 7/22/2006 12:25:58 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Problem with the Auction House
   I'm not aware of any issues which would cause the Auction House to charge more than is intended to place items, Todaz. Which Auction House was this, for clarification?
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Poster: Pavonum at 7/22/2006 12:43:14 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Problem with the Auction House

Q u o t e:
Auction House in gadget, which i know is a auction house where horde and allaince can both buy item which makes the deposit higher. But ive never payed this much in my life of wow and ive been around sense beta. Then i went over to booty bay and it tryed to do the same thing. I look this time at the deposit. Im out the gold for the deposit I want to make people aware so the same thing doesnt happen to them.

Aye, there's the rub. The Steamwheedle Cartel is willing to barter with adventurers, and even provide means by which players may trade with members of the opposite faction, but they won't do it without getting a hefty chunk of the profits. Those Goblins are awfully greedy, you know, and this is completely by design. Be careful in your dealings with them. :)
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair...

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