Poster: Anarchist at 7/21/2006 8:32:48 AM PDT Subject: serious concerns |
My account was compromised a little while ago and while it was not under my control the person who compromised it made a new character and sharded and sold all of my items to make that character. What should I do with the character? It is of no use to me and I have no idea how to even play it. But most of all I am afraid that because all of the items may have stayed on my account blizzard may not be able to restore my items.
1)should I keep the character for the investigation?
2)will this hinder my items being restored?
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Poster: Kaone at 7/21/2006 9:24:32 AM PDT Subject: Re: serious concerns |
Q u o t e: no i dont have a ticket open in the top right of the screen should i open one? and the character that was made in my absence from my account mocks me cuz its still there ~_^ i am gonna check on him for the ticket but i am 99.9%shure it isnt there =/
No you should not open one. I inquired into this and your account is currently pending an investigation into your reported compromise. Thank you for you patience while we reach and work on your account. In general one will never have a ticket open regarding a compromised account unless it happens to be on a related issue. The case forwarded for investigation is not answered via a petition. Sorry for any confusion.
Save Sharpbeak from the trolls of Jintha'Alor!
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