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Poster: Nixar at 7/21/2006 4:32:14 AM PDT
Subject: Surely, with all of your wisdom!
   You can seperate the outside world from the capitol cities. So when you have to take down the realms, we can just go and do our banking and empty ouyr bags/ repair / buy ammo etc.

Plus I love u.

halp me!!
Lnk b8rz 2g4
Poster: Berghe at 7/21/2006 4:43:27 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Surely, with all of your wisdom!
   I hate to say it, Nixar, but this isn't that should be posted in the Suggestions Forum - the Game Master Department has no way to 'compartment' Azeroth. Also, I would think that the entire realm would need to come down to address whatever issue it may be addressing; so even that system wouldn't provide much to remove the inconvenience. :(

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