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Poster: Geadum at 7/2/2006 1:38:06 AM PDT
Subject: Attacking from Orgrimmar AH Rooftop OK??
   I am an Alliance character. I think it might be OK to attack from the Orgrimmar Auction House rooftop, because guards (including elite scouts) can go up there. But I just want to be super safe and be super sure.

Is it okay as long as the guards can get to me?

What I'll do is... sometimes when I'm on those roofs (and Horde doesn't know I'm there), I'll catch a flagged Horde (who's worth honor) who's just standing there between Orgrimmar's bank and auction house... who appears to be AFK. So from the roof, I'll fire off as many attack spells as I can and if I do it right, that Horde will go down before he returns to the keyboard. AFK Mages seem to go down the quickest.

If an elite Scout or other guard goes near the player I'm attacking, they'll come up after me.

So I just want to be safe. Is it ok to attack from the Orgrimmar Auction House roof?
Poster: Pavonum at 7/2/2006 2:57:58 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Attacking from Orgrimmar AH Rooftop OK??

Q u o t e:
Try it. If you get beat on by a guard then you are fine. It would be against the rules to camp out on the small roof section toward the drag from the flight master. I have seen alliance jump there and not be attacked, so it would be considered exploiting there. The AH roof seems fine to me.

Once again, Karrst is correct; so long as guards are able to retaliate against you in response to your initiating combat with players in Orgrimmar, Geadum, you should not be in any danger of violating our policies. Just be careful to ensure that whatever vantage point you choose is not one from which you hold no fear of reprisal, and everything's gravy. :)
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