Poster: Noobstick at 8/23/2006 11:03:55 PM PDT Subject: More lost honor/hk's?? |
I spent the better part of the day pvp'ing before classes and yet I seem to be short quite a few kills and double the amount of honor now shown so far....
What gives? Isn't this the second time in two weeks....
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/24/2006 1:07:57 AM PDT Subject: Re: More lost honor/hk's?? |
You may rest assured that the appropriate departments are currently investigating the possibility of an issue affecting Honor on select realms, Noobstick; if any additional information becomes available to us regarding the matter, we shall provide updates as they are forthcoming. In the meantime, friend, your patience is much appreciated. :)
Follow me... we are the shadows.
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