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Poster: Tiandrex at 8/23/2006 4:17:38 PM PDT
Subject: Your customer service is absolutely terrible.
   There, honest feedback.

[ post edited by Tiandrex ]
Poster: Batta at 8/23/2006 4:18:49 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Your customer service is absolutely terri
   How may I assist you, Tiandrex?
Tomorrows child is the only child.
Poster: Batta at 8/23/2006 4:27:14 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Your customer service is absolutely terri
   I see; and, here I thought this was an issue with which the Game Master department could assist, since you are saying our ability to assist you is terrible. Unfortunately, we do not monitor realm performance or maintain realm stability. You can thank me for that, as you do not want me coming near realm hardware. Our database administrators and realm technicians are working to have these issues resolved as quickly as possible.

Q u o t e:
You know... an honest answer of when your going to fix our servers would be nice...

In all honesty, we're aware of the issues and working on them.

If your posts are disappearing, I suggest posting in the appropriate places. Adding additional clutter to our forums demanding updates from the Game Master staff will not expedite your requests, or help our administrators resolve these issues. We have not forgotten about the issues; we will provide you with updates as they become available to us.
Tomorrows child is the only child.
Poster: Batta at 8/23/2006 4:36:06 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Your customer service is absolutely terri

Q u o t e:
A) Get you to realize what I have realized which is that Blizzard does not come close to keeping their players informed. I don't even care what the specifics are, I just want a response to acknowledge that they actually care and that they're actually paying us some attention.

There are multiple stickies on multiple forums relating to this issue that have been updated throughout the day as we've worked through this situation. I could tell you every five minutes that no new information is available, if that makes you feel like you're being kept informed. What's more important to our database administrators, however, is fixing the issue.

Q u o t e:
B) Pass that information along. To say you have no way to pass information/complaints/personal feedback of your own to some sort of higher up would be a lie.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The statement is way too general for me to take a stance. Do you feel as though people in managerial positions aren't aware that any issues are occurring at the moment, or that players are upset on the affected realms?
Tomorrows child is the only child.
Poster: Batta at 8/23/2006 4:54:36 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Your customer service is absolutely terri

Q u o t e:
It would be nice to know if the servers will be back up at all tonight. Is that too much to ask?

We are doing everything in our power to get them up as quickly as possible and restore the missing character lists for players. That's about as much information as we can provide at this point.
Tomorrows child is the only child.

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