Poster: Shoggoth at 8/16/2006 9:27:53 AM PDT Subject: Why aren't there more CMs? |
Hi Blizz reps, I'm just wondering why the class forums don't have at least 3 CMs specifically assigned to them, that play the class as their main and reply often to threads. I'm coming from the Mage forum and was hanging out there during the whole pre-1.11 drama. During that time there were usually a few blue posts every day (albeit mostly just replying to troll/insult threads), but post-patch I've seen maybe 2 blue posts.
It just seems to me that you guys are making enough money to hire a more reasonable number of competent, respectful (granted a lot of posts directed toward CMs are not respectful so that's taken with a grain of salt) and experienced managers.
Anyway I'm not going to flip out about it, it's just something I've been thinking about and it seems like the few CMs we do have are stretched pretty thin between all the classes. I think having more would allow for better interaction with the players and result in much less antagonism on both sides.
WTF? WotF!
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Poster: Caerrus at 8/16/2006 10:00:30 AM PDT Subject: Re: Why aren't there more CMs? |
There are also members of our Quality Assurance Department who post on the Bug Report and Test Realm Forums - can't forget about them. :)
Who are you, masked mystery man?! Unveil yourself...
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