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Poster: Worsh at 8/15/2006 3:58:05 PM PDT
Subject: Zengu disappearing in Hammerfall
   The troll NPC: Zengu is a "turn-in" NPC for the quest: "The Sigil of Thoradin"

I'm at the "go give this to Zengu" stage and he appears from a far off distance with a gold question mark "come give me some love" icon.

However, when you begin to move towards him he simply disappears. Is this a bug?

I remember experiencing this with an older character (estimate 6 months ago ??) and I managed to get around it by some crazy manipulation of field of view, or logging in and immediately clicking on him, or whatever.
Poster: Batta at 8/15/2006 4:31:33 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Zengu disappearing in Hammerfall
   Hey, Worsh. We are aware of issues which may cause certain NPCs to "disappear" when viewed at particular angles. You may want to try moving around the area until you can get to a position where you can see and interact with Zengu. You may want to try standing on the NPC as well. Let me know if that proves helpful at all. With that said, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this situation may have caused you and your party.
The earth died screaming while I lay dreaming of you
Poster: Batta at 8/16/2006 1:48:01 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Zengu disappearing in Hammerfall
   My guess is that it had to do with realm performance/stability issues. In any event, I'm very happy to hear that the issue was resolved when you tried again, Worsh. ; )
Lips that would kiss
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