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Poster: Healmonkey at 8/13/2006 8:51:16 PM PDT
Subject: Bliz you've spoiled us, the MMORPG community.
   You've totally spoiled us, Bliz. I can no longer look at another mmorpg without cringing and compairing it to WoW.

Just downloaded the trial version of D&D online. After playing it for a few hours I end up asking "is this it?" It feels so limited compaired to WoW. Good job Bliz.

Oh also, many thanks to <GM>Nissaruru for his prompt response to an in-game ticket. :-)

[ post edited by Healmonkey ]

011001110110010101100101011010112 A robot prayer.
Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 9:08:18 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Bliz you've spoiled us, the MMORPG commun
   We're glad to hear that you've enjoyed your time with World of Warcraft, Healmonkey! I can honestly say that, although I've tried other MMORPGs since I started playing WoW back in December '04, nothing else has drawn me in quite as much. As for your experience with Game Master Nissaruru, I've personally passed along your kind words -- he works during my shift -- but we'd still appreciate it if you e-mailed, so that credit can be given where it's due. Thanks, friend. See you around. :)
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