Poster: Shrubb at 8/13/2006 5:13:14 PM PDT Subject: Quick question for Teh Moonkin
Hey. My game disks arent working (The WoW installer keeps freezing). If i download the "Free 10 Day WoW Client" will i be able to log in on my real account? O.o
Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 5:16:59 PM PDT Subject: Re: Quick question for Teh Moonkin
Q u o t e: Yes, that's what i meant. But it will work as a real world of warcraft for the account i have? Not just for a 10 day pass?
The trial limitations are connected to the account, not the client itself; you should be able to log into a subscription-based account just fine by using the program at that link. :)
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