Poster: Moltar at 8/13/2006 9:32:15 AM PDT Subject: Question about cross realm pvp
So are the servers in each BG group tied to the same cluster or something? or is there chance of servers mixing up over time? (i.e. half the servers from group 1 mixing with group 5 one day in the distant future?)
Poster: Caerrus at 8/13/2006 9:47:04 AM PDT Subject: Re: Question about cross realm pvp
That's correct, Moltar - all realms have been assigned to specific clusters "Battlegroups" for cross-realm battlegrounds. It is possible that the Battlegroups may change at some point in the future. To find out what Battlegroup your realm is a part of, please visit the following page:
I hope this helps! :)
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...