Poster: Jesse at 8/13/2006 12:14:59 AM PDT Subject: Can you give my character a makeover? |
I mean, look at this guy
He's freakin hideous.
He feels like he needs haircut, he wants to buy some hair dye...and he wants to get out of the chain scene.
Anyway he can do that? =P
Roor is noob
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 12:20:59 AM PDT Subject: Re: Can you give my character a makeover? |
I think your character looks perfectly charming, Jesse. That mold really brings out his, err... gaping eye sockets.
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 12:45:33 AM PDT Subject: Re: Can you give my character a makeover? |
Q u o t e: On a more serious note, Can you tell me what happened to my account on
Wednesday, April 19th.
As in...any items deleted or disenchanted?
That, I'm afraid, is not within my power. If you have reason to believe that your account may have been compromised at that time, then I would recommend that you submit an in-game petition regarding your concerns; it shall likely be necessary to forward the issue to our Account Investigation team for further analyis. I wish you the best, friend. :)
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/13/2006 12:50:09 AM PDT Subject: Re: Can you give my character a makeover? |
Q u o t e: I've already done that. They don't think it's been compromised and they tell me i'm out of restores.
If that is the case, then the matter has already been investigated, and a determination made; if you wish to have your situation revisited, might I suggest e-mailing with additional information? While I am not able to guarantee that the previous judgment shall be overturned, it's worth a try. :)
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