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Poster: Gullibull at 8/12/2006 8:46:05 AM PDT
Subject: Does Blizzard just not care about botters?
   I've reported <character name removed to avoid post deletion> (10 orc rogue on Crushridge) for botting 5 times now and he's still there. Why has nothing been done?

It's painfully obvious this guy is a bot...he can be seen nearly 24x7 farming deviate fish in the Lushwater Oasis. He always stands in the exact same spot, casting over and over again without deviation or even moving to fish a deviate school 10 yards to one side. Some days there's a /sit and a /jump every dozen casts or so, but it's always repetitive. He doesn't respond to tells, chat, duel requests, invites or anything else. He hasn't levelled in the weeks I've been watching him. Even if he's NOT a bot, it's obvious he isn't playing for fun...which means he's a farmer. Either way he should be long gone, but he's not.

So what's the deal here, Blizz? Does nobody actually care about guys like this?

[ post edited by Gullibull ]
Poster: Caerrus at 8/12/2006 8:56:07 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Does Blizzard just not care about botters?
   I'm sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused you, Gullibull, but I can assure you that botting is something that we take very seriously. We run thorough investigations of each report we receive, in order to determine whether or not a player is actually botting. I'm sure you can understand that there may be a huge difference between a player who is suspected of being a bot and a player who actually is a bot. We do not wish to take action against legitimate players; which is why these investigations are very thorough and can take quite some time to complete. I hope this helps to clear up any confusion surrounding this matter. Thank you for your assistance in keeping World of Warcraft a safe and enjoyable environment!
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...
Poster: Caerrus at 8/12/2006 8:59:44 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Does Blizzard just not care about botters
   Haha, indeed... that's quite odd.
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...

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