Poster: Trajain at 8/12/2006 5:22:54 AM PDT Subject: Hi there a question! |
My fiance hadd a Gm contact her ingame and tell her that unfortunately her account was being suspended and that she would get an email with all the details shortly. She had moved and changed email addresses and never got the email. She called billing and had her official email changed and sent an email to the account admin suggested stating that she had updated her email and would like the notification email resent. Her thing is that shes never been in trouble and just wants to know if shes actually been banned or has a 72 hour suspension. The in game GM said he/she couldnt tell her because of privacy issues but she never got the email and cant get a response from the admin email address she sent her email to.
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Poster: Caerrus at 8/12/2006 8:12:52 AM PDT Subject: Re: Hi there a question! |
I would be happy to look into this matter and re-send the e-mail to your fiancee, Trajain. In order to do so, could you please provide me with the name of a character on that account (and the realm that it is located on)?
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...
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Poster: Caerrus at 8/12/2006 8:23:07 AM PDT Subject: Re: Hi there a question! |
Okay, the e-mail has been sent to the up-to-date address on file for your finacee's account. In order to dispute any action that has been taken against her account, I would recommend that your fiancee follows the instructions provided in the e-mail that was sent. Our Game Master staff (in-game or here on the Customer Service Forum) will not be able to assist her in this matter. Good luck!
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...
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