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Poster: Contentus at 8/10/2006 1:57:25 PM PDT
Subject: PvP servers and corpse-camping
   So the other night I'm in EPL, doing a quest (a timed quest I might add), and suddenly I get jumped by a 54 Priest and a 60 Warrior. The continue to kill me when I resurrect for roughly an hour. Apparently, this type of behavior is deemed appropriate by Blizzard, as this is clearly just a PvP engagement. So, I fail my timed quests, and eventually corpse drag to some other Horde nearby.

Frankly, I dislike paying for a video game, being physically-harassed, and having the GM's tell me that what the Alliance players were doing is perfectly acceptable.

It's pretty pathetic how Blizzard can design their rules so that griefing and raging is perfectly legal on PvP realms.

So, let's see: I lose an hour of my life to a couple of Alliance jackasses who think killing me 14 times is somehow productive. That's called raging, or griefing, depending on which term you're most familiar with.

I've cancelled my account.

I'm incredibly displeased with Blizzard. I've been playing their games since Warcraft 2, and now Blizzard allows griefers. Wonderful.

I think the rules should be reviewed. Losing an hour of my time (THAT I'M PAYING FOR) is unacceptable.

And, to Sahdil: I apologize for the tone in which my trouble ticket was submitted. My anger shouldn't have directed at a GM, as you're only doing your job and you had done nothing wrong. I apologize for that. I hope you read this, or another GM who reads this points you in this thread's direction (hint hint nudge nudge).

Bye everyone.
Poster: Pavonum at 8/10/2006 9:45:24 PM PDT
Subject: Re: PvP servers and corpse-camping
   It is clear from the tone of your post that you have experienced no small amount of frustration due to this matter, Contentus, but I feel I should point out that the policies which govern PvP realms have been available for your consumption at all times, and should have been taken into consideration when you made the choice to create a character on Magtheridon. The fact of the matter is that all-out war rages between the Horde and Alliance on PvP realms, and even well-meaning adventurers can be caught up in the fray.

By design, performing certain tasks (e.g. completing quests) is going to be complicated by hostilities breaking out between the factions, and this is doubly true if one opts to attempt dangerous missions without the help of allies. That said, if you find yourself waylaid by members of the Alliance, you have the option to rally your friends and guildmates to come to your aid. If they're not available, you may call for assistance on all manner of public channels. There are, in fact, a number of means by which you may resolve such a matter as yours through legitimate PvP mechanics, as is intended on PvP-flagged realms; it is unfortunate indeed that you appear to have such an aversion to those methods.

If you require further clarification, I believe it would behoove you to consult our PvP Server Policy. I'll provide a link below for your edification, but here's a quote for good measure:

Q u o t e:
Ongoing Harassment
The Ongoing Harassment policy does not apply on a PvP server when there is a PvP resolution available, as physical confrontations are considered a facet of PvP combat and players in opposing factions are unable to communicate verbally. Characters have the ability to address their conflicts through combat and GMs will only involve themselves in extreme or excessive circumstances.

I hope this has proven illustrative, Contentus, but if you have any further questions I am more than happy to answer them. In any case, friend, I wish you the best. :)

PvP Server Policy:
Ce sont ces fenêtres qui m'appellent...
Poster: Batta at 8/11/2006 12:24:35 PM PDT
Subject: Re: PvP servers and corpse-camping

Q u o t e:
If your getting frustrated, or annoyed over getting camped, just go get a drink and watch TV for 5-10 minutes and wait for them to go away.
As ive never rolled on a PvE server, and i most likely never will, as i like the feeling of watching over my back every few minutes, i do understand it gets annoying at times. But as i said, just get a drink and watch TV for a few minutes.

What if one gets tripped repeatedly on the way to the refrigerator?
Spent and sighing with that look in your eye..
Poster: Caerrus at 8/13/2006 7:42:02 AM PDT
Subject: Re: PvP servers and corpse-camping
   First, allow me to quote from our PvP Server Policy:

Q u o t e:
Dishonorable Actions

Actions that would typically be considered "dishonorable" are considered appropriate actions in a PvP situation and will not be addressed by our Game Master (GM) staff. Dishonorable actions include, but are not limited to:
  • Corpse camping.
  • Tricking players into getting flagged for PvP (i.e. jumping in the middle of another player's area effect spell).
  • Killing players well below your level.

Ongoing Harassment

The Ongoing Harassment policy does not apply on a PvP server when there is a PvP resolution available, as physical confrontations are considered a facet of PvP combat and players in opposing factions are unable to communicate verbally. Characters have the ability to address their conflicts through combat and GMs will only involve themselves in extreme or excessive circumstances.
As stated in the above policy, Game Masters will not typically address reports that we receive of actions that have a viable PvP resolution; except under extreme or excessive circumstances. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary for the Game Master to warn a player against actions that have become excessive, in order to ensure that all players are able to enjoy their experience in World of Warcraft. Whether or not a player is told to cease their actions depends heavily on the circumstances, and I do not, unfortunately, know what took place in your case. I do apologize if this has caused some confusion, Dietsprite. If you would like to submit feedback regarding your experience with the Game Master Department, you can do so by e-mailing

Q u o t e:
So the thread I made, that it would be addressed instead of on a thread that was dead was locked.

Indeed it was, for the sake of consolidation. You linked to two previous threads in a third thread on the same topic. It's not at all necessary to continue to create multiple threads about a single issue. I would also remind you that posting about locked/deleted threads is a violation of our Forum Guidelines, and would ask you to remember that in the future.

[ post edited by Caerrus ]

But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...
Poster: Caerrus at 8/13/2006 9:29:06 AM PDT
Subject: Re: PvP servers and corpse-camping
   You're welcome, Dietsprite - I'm glad to have been of assistance to you in this matter. Thank you for submitting your feedback through the proper channels; hopefully we can work to rectify the concerns that you bring to our attention. Have a great day. :)
But hark, methinks a mortal doth approach...

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