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Poster: Silmarwen at 8/9/2006 5:10:16 PM PDT
Subject: computer acting up...again

I've recently encountered an issue that I don't fully understand.
At night, I like reading the forums and play simultaniously. Sometimes, if needed. I have to open WoW twice, to find answers to questions. Tonight for instance, after a player posted a thread about his realm, I wanted to see the development of today's maintanence. When I switched back to WoW, the picture on my screen looked as if it were made out of tiny particles. The game, however, was still running. The moment I pressed the "window" button to switch off the game, my screen froze and now I cannot do anything, except restart my computer. The problem is, that every time WoW disconnects me, I have serious issues restarting it. The computer freezes before I can even get into Windows...
What is going on? I have tried emailing Technical Support, but they say "it's overheating", which is not possible, since I've only played for 15 minutes or so.

Thank you:)
Veni, vidi, vici!
Poster: Pavonum at 8/9/2006 5:28:03 PM PDT
Subject: Re: computer acting up...again

Q u o t e:
The reason I posted it here, is beceause I haven't had any luck with the Tech Support staff on this matter. I did, however post a thread there aswell:P

I'm really very sorry to say, Silm, that this sounds like a technical issue that falls beyond the scope of the Game Master Department; your best course of action at this point is to pursue further assistance via your thread in the Technical Support Forum, e-mail, or call (949) 955-1382 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday. (You have about 30 minutes, if you choose to call today.) In any case, friend, I wish you the best in your efforts to resolve the matter. :)
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