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Poster: Erand at 8/6/2006 1:41:33 AM PDT
Subject: So..
   One of my friends was reported for account sharing. Anyway, it wasn't exactly account sharing, since they were at the same house and the friend of the account owner was just taking over for a little while. But I'm a little confused... First of all, how could you even tell if someone is account sharing? Second, will he be banned for this? Third, what if my other friend shared his account with someone from a different state? I don't see why they should be banned, especially for their first offense.

Yes, this is true; I won't lie. Won't name the friends, though. None of them were banned, only the ones that were at the same house were reported.

[ post edited by Erand ]
Poster: Pavonum at 8/6/2006 1:54:12 AM PDT
Subject: Re: So..
   While I'm afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss the methods by which we determine whether account sharing has occurred -- the more transparent our procedures become, the easier it is to circumvent them -- you may rest assured that there are a number of criteria used in our investigations, and that we are extraordinarily careful to ensure that accuracy is maintained before taking any permanent action against one's account. As for whether a player shall be "banned" for account sharing, that is not a question to which I may offer any definitive answer; as I have stated elsewhere, the repercussions for a particular breach of policy can vary somewhat, depending on the number and severity of prior infractions.

That said, while there are no guarantees, it is certainly possible for one's account to be terminated for such activities, if one's past is checkered enough; it may behoove you to remember that account sharing is, in and of itself, a direct violation of the Terms of Use to which all World of Warcraft players have agreed to adhere, specifically Section 1A:

Q u o t e:
You may not share the Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one (1) minor child to use the Account when not in use by you.

I hope that has proven illustrative, Erand; if you require any further clarification, please let us know, and we'll see what we can do to better your understanding of our policies. :)
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