Poster: Stangmeister at 8/5/2006 9:53:14 AM PDT Subject: Progression thread Sticky - Skullcrusher
We have a new Progression thread on Skullcrusher that needs to be stickied. If anyone here could yell at another cubicle to see if they could do it for us, that would be awesome.
The old one is no longer updated by its author. The new one's link is here:
Poster: Caerrus at 8/5/2006 9:58:33 AM PDT Subject: Re: Progression thread Sticky - Skullcrusher
The best way to request that a thread be made into a sticky is to contact our Forum Moderators. This can be accomplished by clicking on the Biohazard icon (located in the top-right corner of the post) or by e-mailing them at
Cheers, Stangmeister. :)
There's someone in my head, and its not me...