Poster: Pavonum at 8/5/2006 1:11:38 AM PDT Subject: Re: AV
Are you referring to a certain "strategy" involving a waterfall, Twinkie? If so, our Quality Assurance team is aware of the issue, and hopes to address it in a future content patch. :)
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Poster: Pavonum at 8/5/2006 1:24:17 AM PDT Subject: Re: AV
Q u o t e: My only question is why was the "strategy" of the horde to jump into the north bunker fixed, and the "strategy" of the waterfall jumping not?
As I said, the issue which allows players to bypass the inner towers in the Frostwolf base by using the waterfall shall be addressed in a future content patch. We are fixing it. :)
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