Poster: Validor at 8/4/2006 6:21:57 PM PDT Subject: my adventures |
well shortly after reactivating my account last night i log into the game after getting booted to desktop about 25 times. Sp i finaly get in and head to MC to meet up with my guild for a raid .. then i realized i forgot my regents sso i hearth back to ironforge to pick them up. no sooner then 1 minute i get kicked from the server. so, im like ok that was strange. so i log back in and i find myself in a blue abyss and shortly die thre after (notice my corpse is under the world) so i release and i end up floating above the world in this giant grey tornado buble thing (this is when i put in a cs ticket). I floated from ironforge north to wetlands then some how got turned around and started to head back twords ironforge but, instead of stoping i just kept on going. i floated all the way to stv before i randomly turned around agai nand headed back twords stormwind where i finaly gave up waiting on the gm ticket and went to bed. so i wake up thismorning check my e-mail they said i was moved ... etc
I was like wow great i can play tonight when i get home from work. So i come home form work and sit down at my pc and log in and guess where i am? stormwind grave yard..... tottaly on the other side of the world from my corpse. so i try to zone into the tram and run to Ironforge ... doesn't let me. So its at this point i put in another cs-ticket basicly with this same story in it.
In the mean time i start to run to Ironforge the long way since the spirit rez dude didn't seem to work. so i run all the way to ironforge to find out that my body is inside the inn either above or below the world. so now ive been sitting here for almost 2 hours as a ghost unable to play the game waiting on a gm so i can get my corpse..
i just though id share my gref since im not in the best mood atm
The universe is hostile, so impersonal
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 6:48:59 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
I'm predicting that you are alive again, Validor. ; )
I'm very sorry for such a delay in helping you resolve this issue.
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 6:53:14 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: your my hero
You haven't moved in a bit. Is everything else with your character okay?
Nice signature, by the way...
devour to survive
so it is, and
so it's always been ; )
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 6:56:07 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: i was sitting in the corner waiting for a reply playing along to the patient =p on guitar
lol, Excellent! Well, I'm glad everything appears to be resolved. = )
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 6:57:34 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: now my chats broken .. i surender
What's wrong with your chat?
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 7:02:55 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: after i got rezed i lost all chat and can't camp for some reason
Would you like me to try forcing you out of game to see if that helps resolve it when you log back in?
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 7:07:41 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: sure .. i just rebooted my router
I just removed you from game. Let me know if that resolves the issue.
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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Poster: Batta at 8/4/2006 7:12:53 PM PDT Subject: Re: my adventures |
Q u o t e: nope. i think it was just bad timeing .. i think the router between blizzard adn adelphia just doesn't want me to play tonight i did a tracert to the server and it droped me at the first att router. i think im just gona play some more guitar and goto bed .. but thanks for your help
I'm sorry, Validor. = \
Let us know again via this thread next time you log in if the issue persists. Enjoy playing Tool songs in the meantime. ; )
Mixing fitness with leather, homework with Heather
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