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Poster: Azygos at 8/4/2006 6:08:15 PM PDT
Subject: More confusion, 2 weeks later....
   Ok well Im still waiting on getting my character restored after like 2 weeks. Account info was verified, got my shinny new password and was told both on this forum and by GMs in game to continue playing as my account was still under investigation. Everytime I ask for an update I am simply told to please have patience and continue to wait. However the email I got yesterday just blew that all out the window. I finally got a response from someone other then billing via email...however it was a response to my original GM ticket and was asking what server/character the issue was with......
Come on...
Ive been getting told for over a week and almost two that my account has been actively under investigation and they are just now replying to my original GM ticket???
I did reply, did include all the information, did also state I had given this information before, to whome, and what had been done, lastly asking for some sort of reply. 24 hours later still none, so here I am posting in the forum thread again. Hopefully someone will catch this and toss me some insight as Im really hoping that there was just some miscommunication and not that the actively investigating my account didnt start until just yesterday...
This is about as annoying as the fact nobody from billing has still yet to answer if blizzard is suspending charging to my account while this is going on, Im starting to think I could get my gear back quicker by deleting the account and just starting over. :P

**Edit** Has had some friendly charity from guildies so Ive managed to buy up some gear, however the loss of all dungeon gear (especially the 3 pieces I already upgraded to Feralheart) and the plethera of quest gear, AD marks, and other random assortment of items Ive been hording away while lvl 60 is depressing to have lost. It especially sucks when my favorite horde toons to kill are logging on alliance alts just to get the inside scoop on my sudden "squishiness"


(ofcourse after another week of this I guess it might be time to start grinding a new lvl 60 or just dropping the account all together?)

[ post edited by Azygos ]

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Poster: Pavonum at 8/4/2006 7:22:00 PM PDT
Subject: Re: More confusion, 2 weeks later....
   Before all else, Azygos, I'd like to apologise for any confusion you may have been caused by your previous correspondence with our department. You see, when you first reported your account as having been possibly compromised, you were entered into a "queue" of sorts for further perusal on the part of our Investigation Team; once in this queue, each issue is addressed in the order in which it is originally received. Due to the number of players ahead of you, it has taken about a week for you to arrive at the head of the line, so to speak, and now the "active" investigation may begin as soon as you reply to the Investigator's e-mail requesting more information. I wish you the best in your efforts, friend. :)
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