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Poster: Lank at 4/12/2005 10:54:35 AM PDT
Subject: A real Ambush/Backstab fix
   I've been testing Ambush and Backstab on test and I've determined that yes, when it crits, it hits a little too hard. I'll go ahead and admit that.

However, in its current non-test form, it's underpowered, as spamming SS will generate combo points faster, be easier to accomplish, and can actually outdamage backstab and ambush with the right build.

On the test server, it's stupid to be a SS spammer. On current, SS spammers dominate. Either way, it's a bad situation. The problem here though is really that if Ambush crits, it's good. If it DOESN'T crit, it's NOTHING.

So, I think I've pinpointed the problem. A non-crit ambush/backstab doesn't hit hard enough.

Personally, I don't think any instant ability should hit for 2000 damage. And yes, it's possible. It's very unlikely, but it's possible. Ambush should crit for around 1400, and Backstab should crit around 800. That's assuming very little armor. Right now I can backstab crit for around 800 on a plate target sometimes.

So where does this extra damage come from?

Answer: Lethality. I think it's Lethality that's causing the problem here. It's a 30% crit damage boost. It's what's setting the crits so high. So, how do we fix it? I dunno about the exact numbers, but I'll leave that for Blizzard's internal testing.

But here's the fix- Boost Ambush and Backstab's natural damage, and lower their crit damage. I'd say drop Lethality to 15% crit damage boost to start, and effectively raise Ambush by 200 damage on a non-crit, and Backstab by 100.
Main = Lank, 60 Rogue on Illidan
Poster: motive at 4/13/2005 11:51:27 AM PDT
Subject: Re: A real Ambush/Backstab fix
   As stated in the original post, it is the case that Ambush damage was increased in this patch. We have been doing extensive internal DPS tests on the Rogue to determine whether or not these changes made too much of an increase to overall Rogue damage.

On the most part, these tests concluded that the increased damage was not too much of a damage boost, but that a small balance change needed to be made to keep critical Ambush damage within acceptable limits.

To accomplish this, in patch 1.4.0, the Lethality talent will no longer improve Ambush.
Poster: motive at 4/13/2005 12:19:38 PM PDT
Subject: Re: A real Ambush/Backstab fix

Q u o t e:
think about what he is saying here.
ambush will still go off attack power like it should, however lethality will not affect it.
your ambushes will still be high. just not AS high as is current (and too high imo)
backstabs will remain the same.


BS/AMBUSH rogues will be viable as will sword specced still.

like i said...a nice compromise

Well said, Ambush damage in 1.4.0 (both crit and non-crit) is still higher than it was in 1.3.0, but with the removal of Lethality affecting the crit damage, it is no longer too high.

This allows for Backstab/Ambush Rogues to be a viable build as well as sword Rogues.

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